Japanese Language and Linguistics-related links

See our Links Page in Japanese too!
(Our last update was on the 29th of October, 1998)

  • Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Research Institutes
  • Language Communities in Japan
  • Academic Organizations
  • General Linguistics (other than Japanese)
  • Search Helps and Computer Tools
  • Mailing Lists
  • Journals
  • Publishers

  • Japanese Language and Linguistics

  • Japanese Language Research Bibliography (This a gold mine of information provided by the National Language Research Institute in Tokyo. You will find here dozens of zipped files containing annotated bibliographical data on English resources concerning Japanese linguistics. This index page is in Japanese, and will come out in gibberish if you don't have Japanese fonts on your browser, but you should basically be able to tell from the file names what each contains. You will need WinZip to unzip the files.)
  • Linguistic Atlas of Chugoku and Shikoku (It's all in Japanese, but it's great! An interactive dialect atlas containing over 200 maps from five surveys. The work of Kenji Takahashi at Hiroshima University.)
  • LingNet (Operated by United States Army. Contains Japanese language related links. You can telnet to download programs, text files, fonts etc. related to Japanese and a multitude of other languages)
  • Linguistics WWW Home Pages in Japan (links to a large variety of language and linguistics pages, mostly at Japanese universities)
  • Japan Related Web Links (includes links to online dictionaries and translation sites)
  • ATR Human Information Processing (especially check out their "Speech Processing Section, ETL ")
  • Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (Intensive Training in Advanced Spoken and Written Japanese in Yokohama)
  • Japanese Government (Mombusho) Scholarship Information from Singapore and Canada (most information applies to applicants from other countries as well)
  • Japanese Language School Info. Information in English and Japanese about Japanese language schools in Japan.

  • Research Institutes

  • National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku)
  • National Museum of National History (Rekihaku)
  • The Ainu Museum (Shiraoi)
  • National Language Research Institute (Tokyo)
  • Center for Applied Linguistics ("CAL is a non-profit, private institution applying knowledge about language and culture to issues of concern to educators, policymakers, and immigrant and refugee service providers.")

  • Language Communities in Japan

  • Japanese Dialects home page (links to personal home pages with people giving introductions to their native dialects)
  • Japanese Sign Language (includes pictures of Japanese signs for computer terms)
  • Latino IAC Site en Japon (resources for the large Latin American community in Japan)
  • Han World (Korean Residents in Japan)

  • Academic Organizations

  • Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
  • Japanese Association for Asian Englishes
  • American Dialect Society
  • Yuen Ren Society (Chinese dialectology)
  • Language Conference Schedules (and LOTS of 'em! Just what the doctor ordered for that leftover research money)
  • NWAVE ( Annual Conference on "New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English and other languages")
  • SALSA (Symposium About Language and Society - Austin)
  • Linguistic Society of America
  • LSA Summer Institute in Linguistics

  • General Linguistics (other than Japanese)

  • Terralingua: Partnerships for Linguistic and Biological Diversity
  • World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Linguistics
  • Applied Linguistics WWW Virtual Library
  • Lowlands Languages Web Links (information on Dutch, Frisian, Low Saxon, and Lowland-L e-mail discussion list)
  • Endangered Languages containing information about Ainu in the Northeast Asia section
  • European minority (or minoritized!) languages links to dozens of pages, alphabetized or by language family
  • JAPE DEMO (Joke Analysis and Production Engine system generates simple punning riddles from a normal lexicon. Interesting for semanticists.)
  • The Kent Konglish Dictionary (A dictionary of English-derived words used in Korean)
  • Ethnologue (a searchable database of "alternate names, number of speakers, location, dialects, linguistic affiliation, and other sociolinguistic and demographic information" regarding 38,000 language varieties, plus an interactive map of the world)
  • American Dialect Links (with brief explanations of the sites)
  • Dictionary of American Regional English
  • Linguistic Atlas Project (Has interactive word maps for the east coast of the United States)
  • Phonological Atlas of North America(University of Pennsylvania, take a look at "ICSPL4" on this page)
  • Spoken Yiddish Language Project (with dialect maps and survey recordings)
  • The Creole Archives
  • On-line Dictionaries (links to on-line dictionaries and word lists for over 80 languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu)
  • On-line Grammars("This page maintains links with on-line grammars of as many languages as can be found on the Web. It includes all types of grammars: reference grammars, learning grammars, and historical grammars.")

  • Search Helps and Computer Tools

  • NeocorTech develops Japanese translation, communication and OCR software for English Windows with no other "fix-up" software required.
  • The Hawaiian Language Center has Hawaiian fonts which contain macrons for making Japanese long vowels. Download the fonts and put them in your "font" folder. The font called "HI Manokalanipo" can be mixed with Times New Roman.
  • Yamada Language Center Font Archive This is the place you need to go if you want to obtain any kind of non-European fonts. Here you can download phonetic alphabets, Japanese kana and kanji, Chinese characters (both traditional Taiwanese and simplified PRC fonts), hangul, Cyrillic, not to mention interesting little things like the syllabaries used for Cherokee and Inuit. They have both windows and Mac fonts. This IS the place.
  • National Diet Library Searchable Catalogue (Even if your computer can't type in Japanese, you can input your search terms in Romaji, so long as your browser can display Japanese. DON'T go to the English page. Click on the icon of the person fishing for books, and continue on to the search page. The three boxes are (from top) title, author, publisher. Button on bottom left is "search", right is "clear".)
  • National Library Catalogues Worldwide (John East provides links to the national libraries of the world, with explanatory notes on navigating the sites and using the search engines)
  • How to find a Linguist (search for email addresses of linguists worldwide)
  • Personal Pages of Linguists (listing of webpages of linguists worldwide)
  • Library of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Gateway(allows you to search their enormous card catalog over the net, also includes a long list of other research library card catalogs that may be searched via WWW or telnet)
  • Monash Japanese archives (very large resource base with technical dictionaries, fonts, etc. which may be accessed or downloaded)
  • Guide to Japanese Computing (Univ. of Washington Technical Japanese)
  • Shodouka Launchpad (Japanese page mediator)
  • OneLook Dictionaries (allows you to search for a dictionary entry simultaneously in dozens of specialized English dictionaries)
  • Excite (a search engine that categorizes by related concepts, so you can find a site even if the word you're searching for itself does not appear there)
  • Wordbot (a "robot assistant for looking up translations, definitions, synonyms, antonyms, references, etc. of words appearing in a document")
  • Telnet University Library Card Catalogs
  • DialectWeb (commercial products and links for Japanese language learning and translation)
  • Ken Butler's Nihongo Cyber Tutorials
  • Lava Software (Downloadable Japanese Language Software)

  • Mailing Lists for Linguists

  • Austronesian On-Line
  • List of Language Lists (Computer Bulletin Boards for Individual Languages)
  • The Linguist List Website (This website also includes: Web-Accessible Linguistic Data Sources, Academic Programs, Information, and of course "The LINGUIST Gratuitous Pig" )
  • Nihongo Listserv (Nihongo is a moderated digest of messages. . . devoted to discussions of the Japanese language, computers and Japanese, and Japanese culture as it relates to language.)
  • American Dialect Society List (ADS-L is a discussion list for members of the American Dialect Society and interested others.)
  • Linganth Listserv Home Page (material related to the Linganth discussion group and its members, including papers, software, and bibliographies on linguistic anthropology)
  • NACL A new mailing list of the Nagoya Area Circle of Linguistics

  • Linguistics Journals

  • American Speech
  • Anthropological Linguistics
  • English World-Wide
  • International Journal of the Sociology of Language
  • JALT Journal: The Web Edition
  • Journal of East Asian Linguistics
  • Journal of English Linguistics
  • Journal of the International Phonetic Association
  • Journal of Japanese Linguistics
  • Journal of Language and Social Psychology
  • Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages
  • Journal of Pragmatics
  • Journal of Sociolinguistics
  • Language
  • Language in Society
  • Language in the Judicial Process
  • The Language Teacher Online
  • Language Variation and Change
  • Linguistic Abstracts
  • Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts
  • Multilingua
  • Oceanic Linguistics

  • Linguistics Publishers

  • Academic Press
  • University of Alabama Press
  • ALC Press
  • John Benjamins Publishing
  • Blackwell Publishers
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Cascadilla Press
  • CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics)
  • Edward Arnold
  • Elsevier Science
  • Walter de Gruyter
  • Hituzi Syobo
  • MIT Press
  • Multilingual Matters
  • Oxford University Press
  • Routledge
  • Sage Publications
  • UMI

  • If you would like to include us as a link in your homepage or have a related link to suggest we include here, please email us at oswcjlrc@x.age.or.jp. We would also appreciate your contacting us if you find that any of the links here do not work.